usb hard drive

How to copy and paste the files from mac to an External HD

Hi mac users,

If you own a mac from a long time, you must have already experienced some of the most crucial problems of writing the files into the windows formatted NTFS hard drives. In clear language, one cannot copy and paste or drag and drop the files on to the external hard drives which you have connected to your mac. The driver that is implemented on OS X is simply not capable of writing to NTFS formatted drives.It is however quite annoying for a user that wants to exchange files from a Windows NTFS drive.

So here is a pretty simple fix for this problem. There are several commercial applications which were developed to resolve this problem such as Tuxera NTFS and Paragon NTFS which cost you some dollars. But there is a remarkable application which is known by the name MACFUSE which comes for no cost.

So go ahead and **download** the latest release of macfuse from the website and install it.

MacFuse allows you to enable file system drivers, without the need of adding them to your Unix-kernel. It is a so-called user side framework that adds support for several file formats.

After the installation of the MacFuse you need to download and install the NTFS 3G which is a system driver application which needs to be added to the MacFuse Framework.You have the choice between two versions, the stable one ‘No caching’ which  is the most secure and the ‘ublio’ version which is the quickest. We suggest that you choose the ‘stable’ version, since the ‘ublio’ version can corrupt your NTFS volume when you remove a USB hard-drive from your Mac without unmounting it properly.

After you completed the installation of MacFuse and NTFS-3G, restart your Mac and you should be able to read and write to NTFS volumes. MacFuse automatically mounts your drive, so no additional steps are required. You can now also format drives with a NTFS file system, by using the OS X Disk Utility.

You will have a new option in System Preferences that enables you to write to NTFS drives.

On clicking the NTFS-3G icon in the preferences pane. You will be redirected to the following screen.

On clicking the Mac Fuse icon, It asks you to re open the System Preferences and shows this screen.

If you want to check your NTFS volumes or restore, you can make use of the terminal application and the ntfsfix command. For all the available options just type: ‘man ntfsfix’ in your terminal window.

Happy Copying 🙂